Monday, October 13, 2008


Today was crazy!! Man...So i went to work like any other day thinking that it was going to be a good day.....turns to be the complete opposite..So these Santa Ana winds have come you know and they started up a fire near my work...It wasn't that big so no big deal right? Wrong...Turns out that the fire started to get closer...SEriously there was a fire like 30 ft. away...And then the firefighters didn't want to let anyone go outside...So we were trapped..Meanwhile the whole room started to get smoky and our eyes were starting to burn...Then finally they let us evacuate..There was ashes everywhere!! chest hurts and my eyes still hurt...All in all..I could have die today...but I didn't...but it just goes to show that life is short..and I gotta start living mine...Starting with that guy...


Iris said...

OMG chica! Thats crazy. See, thats why you should live in Jersey... no such things & def life your life man its wayyyy tooo short. Love ya Chao

Rosalinda said...

I agree with Iris, you should move to jersey, its boring over here nothing like that happens!

And like Rihanna says LIVE YOUR LIFE AHHAHHAH lol

Jaslyn said...

& those qirls are what we call our sisters ? ahh. lol. yeh def. live your life ;]

luckily you didnt die thouqh!!! lol